Wednesday, May 26, 2010

House Calls

House calls are not a thing of the past. Most of my life had no idea such a thing was available. If I ever wanted to see the doctor I had to put up with a rude office staff and an hour wait for two minutes with a distracted doctor. The lack of awareness is huge in that most people are not aware of this service is available in many communities.
There is a demand for this type of care because patients are going to the emergency room by ambulance because they have no way to transport themselves to the doctor.
It is such an amazing and gratifying job. I see all kinds of people in desperate situations. A portion of patients are mentally ill. They are called agoraphobic which is terrifiied of being in the public. Some of the mentally ill patients I see in their home become extremely violent if pushed to leave their home for anything. There are physically handicapped patients with multiple sclerosis, down syndrome, paralyzed and these are often mentally intact but unable to get into the clinic. Lastly their is the elderly frail who are physically and mentally impaired due to memory loss and lack of mobility.

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