Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello and welcome to my blog!

This blog is an varied assortment of medical issues, education, stories and other interests.
For more information regarding my business please refer to Joanne Gigi Hardtke
Primarily my medical practice includes seeing physically or mentally disabled patients in their home. I also do guardianship evaluations, chart reviews, lectures, caregiver education, consultations regarding medical issues, and provide an unique expert witness opportunity because of my practice setting. If you wish to schedule appt for these services pls contact my office at 253 212 0093.
Thank you,

A way to Score

If you own your own business I strongly recommend going to Score with the Small Business Administration. They will provide you with excellent resources and a mentor to help you guide your business.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Drug Diversion

Unfortunately there is no golden rule to avoid this problem and medical providers are all fooled at times when it comes to the crafty and illegal practice of drug diversion.I have been misled by little old grandmas, physically disabled, and mentally disabled who have lied about their diagnosis and medications needed for pain management. Now I have the patients go through a screening process and sign an agreement.

Expert Witness

I have been an expert witness. The opposing side is looking for opportunity to discredit you in any manor. They may do a thorough back ground check to see if you have any thing that could shadow your motivations or your integrity. You can give your opinion however if it is not comparable to currrent literature or medical guidelines then you may be discounted. Do not embelish and try to limit answers to a few words. Listen carefully to the question and answer only that question.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hospital readmission

The new medicare health care reform starting 2012, will require hospitals soon to eat the cost of a patient returning to the hospital less then 30 days from their dishcharge date. This opens a lot of possibilities to make an aggreement with your local hospital to help them save costs with return visits. For more information on readmissions see this article

Endometrial infection

A common medical complaint is pelvic pain for females. However pelvic pain can come from a variety of sources and the most common culprit is a simple bladder infection. Other less common reasons are ovarian cysts rupturing, other infection, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, cancer, bowel inflammation and so on. It is important to do a complete physical with a gyn and it should to be thorough include: cultures of the cervix, palpation of each organ uterus/ovary/bladder to try to deduce where pain is coming from, and finally ultrasound abdominal/pelvic-endovaginal. It maybe neccessary to do ct scan/mri if ultrasound normal. Additionally labs to rule out inflammatory, hematological, or infectious causes.